State of Neuchâtel – Intranet portal

Intranet and extranet / Consulting and audit

The State of Neuchâtel had an interface based on SharePoint for communication and project management. The platform had become outdated and obsolete, with congested directories and poor search performance. As for the ergonomics, it was a dissuasive factor for many employees.

For a cantonal administration, an intranet is a tool that is as essential as it is delicate to implement. Ergonomics must be intuitive for easy adoption by everyone. When the exercise is successful, the intranet then offers more than just organizational functionalities, it becomes a means of cross-functional communication, capable of federating a structure with a very diverse corporate culture.

Process and issues

The work began with a series of exchanges with the aim of listing the weak points of the old platform and identifying the needs of the new one. "We appreciated the contacts with Infoteam," says Pierre-Yves Jeanneret. It was a real collaboration, very pragmatic." A key moment was a workshop led by Infoteam Digital, which brought together 12 representative employees from all hierarchical levels and from departments as different as IT, HR and statistics.

"As soon as the objectives were defined, we got our hands dirty," says Romain Roy. Project management was mainly based on the agile method, with immediate development and design by iterations".

The SharePoint based tool is naturally compatible with mobile platforms. It also offers live notifications, and a rich menu that allows you to use a more advanced tree structure.

A single intranet for several municipalities

The Intranet developed by Infoteam Digital can be extended to partners, such as municipalities that are involved in joint projects with the State of Neuchâtel, or other entities that use the services of the administration.